What is Bard's Well Creations?
A Ministry, providing resources and services, especially for schools, Children's Ministries, churches and families
A Publisher, mainly for Arthur D Bardswell's Fiction Works, Short Stories, Poetry and Articles
This site also hosts a Portfolio of Free Animations and Multimedia Presentations, mainly fictional stories with a biblical message
This is also a Notice Board for Story-Teller Events, both in-person and on-line
Who is Arthur D Bardswell?
"Many a song he'll sing for you,
Many a tale he'll tell.
Come, hear his lays of bygone days!
He is the Bard at the well."
Arthur D Bardswell (aka David Butler) is
an Award-Winning Writer & published author
a multimedia creative
an animator
a Story-Teller (both on-line and in-person)
He has written many short stories, poems and scripts, some of which are available on FaithWriters.com.​
He has put some of these stories up on his YouTube Channel in the form of multimedia presentations or animations
A retired teacher living in the Dandenong Ranges with Anne, his wife, he is a proud father of 3 adult children and a grandfather of 5 amazing grandkids